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The Ultimate Golf Game Anyone Can Play
Bring it Anywhere
Backyard, Beach, Tailgate, Camping, Office
What is Putterball?
PutterBall began with a dream of bringing a golf-themed backyard party game to the masses. We set out to create a fusion of golf, competition, and beer (much like our typical Saturday afternoons) but remained focused on creating an outdoor golf game that everyone could enjoy, including those who have never actually played golf. The PutterBall board is made of 100% high-density durable foam that you can walk on, stand on, and transport just about anywhere: backyard, front yard, beach, parking lot, driveway, your office (no drinking at work), your basement, your friend's basement, and even Grandma's house! The ultra-light design makes it easy to store, and all you need to do is unfold it and crack open a few beers.
This site contains affiliate links. Commerce or our Publishers may be compensated when you click through links on our site.
Domain | Program Approval |
putterballgame.com | Open |
By identifying commercial products mentioned within a publisher’s content, Commerce automatically monetizes those terms by transforming them into revenue generating hyperlinks whose destinations are determined in real-time auctions. Our technology works across sites, apps, and social networks so you can focus on your business, earn more, and avoid the hassle of managing countless affiliate programs.
The Ultimate Golf Game Anyone Can Play
Bring it Anywhere
Backyard, Beach, Tailgate, Camping, Office
What is Putterball?
PutterBall began with a dream of bringing a golf-themed backyard party game to the masses. We set out to create a fusion of golf, competition, and beer (much like our typical Saturday afternoons) but remained focused on creating an outdoor golf game that everyone could enjoy, including those who have never actually played golf. The PutterBall board is made of 100% high-density durable foam that you can walk on, stand on, and transport just about anywhere: backyard, front yard, beach, parking lot, driveway, your office (no drinking at work), your basement, your friend's basement, and even Grandma's house! The ultra-light design makes it easy to store, and all you need to do is unfold it and crack open a few beers.
This site contains affiliate links. Commerce or our Publishers may be compensated when you click through links on our site.
Domain | Program Approval |
putterballgame.com | Open |
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By identifying commercial products mentioned within a publisher’s content, Commerce automatically monetizes those terms by transforming them into revenue generating hyperlinks whose destinations are determined in real-time auctions. Our technology works across sites, apps, and social networks so you can focus on your business, earn more, and avoid the hassle of managing countless affiliate programs.