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Best Buy

Terms of Service
Search Policy
When promoting Best Buy via external paid search engines, which may include, but are
not limited to, entities such as Google, Yahoo! and MSN, you will comply with the following:
(i) you must not give the impression that you are, or represent, Best Buy, through use of
phrases such as 'Official Site'; (ii) you must not bid on select trademarks and brand names
designated by Best Buy, including but not limited to: "Best Buy™" and "®"; (iii)
you must not outbid Best Buy for top placement on select trademarks and trade names
designated by Best Buy, including but not limited to: "Geek Squad," "Pacific Sales,"
"Magnolia" or "Magnolia Home Theater"; (iv) you must not target the brand names of any
entities that are direct competitors of Best Buy, or otherwise engage in marketing practices
that are illegal or violate the rights of any third party; and (v) you must ensure that all copy
used for search and keyword purposes is appropriate and 100% accurate and does not
contain any claims that could be construed to be false or misleading. In addition you agree
to add "," "Best Buy," "," "," "best" and "buy,"
"," "," "," "Geek Squad," "Geek," and
"Squad," "Pacific Sales," "Magnolia" and "Magnolia Home Theater" as negative matches in
your search campaigns and to avoid phrase matching. You agree that, following notice from
Best Buy or Impact, you will promptly remove any search listing containing copy and/or
creative components that Best Buy, in its sole discretion, deems inappropriate for any